Saturday, June 2, 2012


Today was officially my favorite day in London so far.

First, much to my annoying persistence and insistence, Madame Taylor agreed to go to the British Library. And I’ll admit, my intentions were set on the free Wi-Fi and updating my social networking life, but, alas, I could not bring my laptop and I had to enjoy the library the old fashion way. Without internet. (Gasp!)

So we explored the British treasure room. Originally, I had anticipated a lame setup of the Magna Carta, but we discovered so much more. The room was a small museum, containing hundreds of ancient and recent original texts and manuscripts, my favorites being Jane Austen’s original manuscripts and writing desk (I nearly drooled all over the glass separating me from the amazingness) and a small unearthed and preserved original manuscript of the Gospel of John, two small pieces, handwritten in Greek. It was probably one of the most memorable moments of my life thus far. I could not believe I was so close to so much history.

So London is dressing herself for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, and the already bustling city is crowding even more with those pouring in to be a part of the historic celebration. Unfortunately, it makes the typical sight-seeing a little more difficult – we could barely see Buckingham Palace. But we fought the crowds, watching the changing of the guard and making our way to the Prime Minister’s house and then Westminster Abbey.
Which was incredible.
And I wish I could take more pictures. But pictures wouldn’t do it justice anyway. Saying that it is beautiful is just scratching the surface of any description.
The most surreal part was visiting the tombs of kings and queens like Henry VIII, Bloody Mary, and Elizabeth I, thinking how unbelievably close I was to the remains of such immortal historical names. It was crazy, the realization that these people actually existed and all that is left of them are some bones inside a marble tomb.

One of the many preparations for the Jubilee is the ringing of the bells, and everytime I heard them, i was reminded of either one of two things: Florence and the Machine’s song “Only if For a Night” and the wedding scene from “The Sound of Music”. Just a thought.

The sun also came out today in London! I shed my cardigan and loved wearing my sunglasses, if only for an hour or so! Though I do love the rainy weather of London – it is one of her many trademarks – I did enjoy the sun, and kept singing “Here Comes the Sun”, realizing for the first time the true triumph behind the Beatle’s song.

We love tea, so we went to Twining’s, the oldest tea shop in London.

Then, of course we went to the London Eye. Which made me further realize how enormous and expansive London really is. I was dumbfounded.

 And then tube to dinner! Our last one in London, it was a lovely!

I can’t believe I just finished my last full day in London – it flew by so fast. But I am ready to visit Paris! I can’t wait to be surrounded by everything French!

1 comment:

  1. How long did it take you to come down from heaven?!?! Did they have to carry you out of there?! WOW!
    I can't wait to see the pics of all the looks amazing!
    Note: I had to youtube Florence's song... :)

    I also have to smile at the "here comes the sun" commentary!!!

    I was talking with someone who said there was a place that you should go to have afternoon tea...but i forgot the name of the place and it was already your last day...oh yes, Kensington Palace! you'll have to remember that for next time! welp, it is 4 a.m. your time on wednesday...your last full day in Europe...i love you and can't wait to see you!
