Saturday, June 2, 2012

St. PancrEas

I love London. I truly underestimated this city.
It was so hard to get out of bed this morning, but we all did and rushed downstairs to eat and get started on our lovely tour of London. So, we drove all around the HUGE city (it actually never ends), learning fun facts and great stories about the ancient city.

After we finished the bus tour, we went to
Trafalgar Square
, the London equivalent to Times Square. It was so busy, there was life on every side of the square, and I was in love with the rush of it all, which is odd coming from someone who loves the ease of the South. But it is all so exhilarating.

Then we lunched! And I had soup! (surprise!)

After Trafalgar, we visited London’s most famous commercial attraction, the six level department store, Harrod’s. I could not believe the vastness of the store, but I am proud to say we girls visited every one of those six levels, plus we had quite the scary experience getting stuck on a lift (American translation: elevator), where I pushed the bell four times before it finally moved. Some advice: use the escalators. And I have to say, my favorite part was the food halls. And my favorite part of the food halls was the dessert hall, particularly chocolate. I was basically drooling the entire time.

Then we did even more shopping! And I am proud to say, I splurged and bought a pair of Oxfords on
Oxford Street
. They were 70% off! So I have a valid justification!

I also used my first red booth pay phone EVER to call my mommy! A novel experience that I will never forget!

So, proudly holding my new shoes, I opted with one half of our group to explore Chinatown, London, and it was incredible! My dinner was so yummy – duck egg rolls with egg fried rice! It was a great dinner, and I really enjoyed the conversation with a entertaining group, I loved bonding with some wonderful people!

I also used my first red booth pay phone EVER to call my mommy! A novel experience that I will never forget!

I don’t think I could ever get tired of using the tube! It is one of my favorite activities here, believe it or not! I look forward to using the tube so much, which may be a little weird, but hey, what can I say?
On our walk back to the hotel, we walked through the St. Pancras (which looks like St. PancrEas - just a thought) train station, with it’s wonderful glass roof and towering ceiling and hustle and bustle.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Wow! and Wow!

    my vision of the red phone booth was EXACT!!! BWAHHAHAHAH!!!
