Sunday, November 10, 2013

Free Weekend!

Oh man, how I love free weekend! I remember, as a student, how I never understood why the staff would choose to stay on base and not go travel the great unknown. I mean, you're in flippin' New Zealand for cryin' out loud!
I understand now.
All I did was sleeeeeeeep. And it was glorious.
On Friday, Rebeka and I got the BEST CARE PACKAGE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. Thank you Mamma! Seriously, chock full of goodies and treats and happiness that catalyzed me into my weekend of laziness. While the boys were out camping, hunting down and killing turkeys with their bare hands, the girls vegged out in from of the TV with cookies, Tim Tams, chippies, L&P, and lollies and watched hours of Anne of Green Gables and snuggled to our hearts' content. I went surfing with Joehelen and Barry on Saturday and then finished the beautifully long weekend with a tea party with the girls on Sunday afternoon.
Mmmm, lovely.
This school is moving along great! It's hard to believe that we're in week 10 - outreach in less than 3 weeks! Oh man, India is so close! We're still waiting on our visas - please continue to pray that they come in soon and all approved!
Ahhh! More to come!

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Oh man, sorry, I've been MIA since before I left Franklin for New Zealand! (Sorry Mom! You'll be happy to know I'm actually going to make an effort to write regularly!)
It's been the most craziest, hardest, most wonderful few months! I'm learning so much, in such a different way than I ever imagined I would. Being stretched, learning how to love, being humbled, all the while with this amazing peace inside me, embracing the grace He's constantly pouring out!
I love staffing, I love my leaders, I love my co-leaders, I love this school, I love my 1-on-1's, I love my outreach team! I'm so excited to be co-leading a team to India the beginning of December! We'll be ministering at an orphanage and surrounding villages as well as spending time at Mother Theresa's home! We're sending off our visas, so please be praying that the whole process goes smoothly and we all get entry! I think my favourite week thus far has been this past week - Lordship of Christ with Mark Parker. To be honest, on my DTS, I just didn't get this week.  I mean, I did with my brain. Kinda. But this week just smacked me in the face. In a good way of course! It humbled and affirmed me so much, I learned even more how to align my focus and perspective. I'm constantly learning how how to turn my focus outward. And then Tabernacle Day happened. Amazing things happen in hearts on this day, and some crazy physical things happen too! Part of Tabernacle Day is giving things away, giving an offering to God and giving to other extravagantly. I gave away a few things - the hardest one being a ring my 1-on-1 from my DTS gave me when I committed to Jesus a year ago. But another things I knew I was supposed to give away was my iPhone, which was less hard, but still hard because it's my connection to home, my connection to the outside world. But God is crazy and told a student to give me his brand-new iPhone 5 to replace it! HOW CRAZY IS THAT. Obedience can be so rewarding. In every area of life.
India profiles to come!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Today, someone told me that they want to be the best brother to me that I ever had.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Three Days

Three days.
Three days until Hokey Pokey ice cream, Tim Tams, L&P, and fish 'n chips.

Three days until lamburgers.
Three days until grilled cheeses again become toasties and and ketchup becomes tomato sauce. 

Three days until I see nothing but pure countryside and winding 2 lane roads.
Three days until all the farm animals I see are sheep.
Three days until I am never more than an hour from the seaside.
Three days until all humidity disappears.
Three days until rugby trumps football.
Three days until I can hear a haka.
Three days until I can order a proper flat white.
Three days until I have to specify Kiwi-fruit, Kiwi-bird, and just straight-up Kiwi people.
Three days until water drains and swirls the opposite way.

Three days until I drive on the left side of the road.
Three days until I again speak in metric terms, converting Celcius and Kilometers and Kilograms.

Three days until I am once again surrounded by a constant community of lovers of Christ.
Three days until I am in the land of Brooke Fraser, Flight of the Conchords, and Lorde.
Three days until I dream once again of being Lucy Pevensie forever living in Narnia.
Three days until I return to Middle Earth.

Three days until I come home.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I'm a feeler.
Which means I feel a whole heck of a lot more than I think.
And I think a lot.
I think it's one of those girl things, but it's a strong possibility that it's one of those Hannah things, that I can manage to lay awake for hours at nighttime, thinking, contemplating, praying, but when heavy emotion hits, in a moment, all my brain cells and thoughts fly straight out of my ears like an angry swarm of bees and I all I can seem to do is act on how I feel.
It can be a gift at times, when I choose joy, it can fill me all the way up and I seem a little silly with how happy I get! Seeing a dear friend, finding beauty in creation, hearing a song that just fills your soul with music - that's when I love being a feeler.
Sometimes, though, the simplest thing can happen to me or around me and it's like the world is caving in around me. I'm serious. Someone gets doesn't smile back at me when I take their coffee order or I drop my banana - these things can reduce me to tears! Ever seen that one episode of New Girl when it's Jess' time of the month and she is interviewing for a new job and then she sees a picture of a puppy in a cup and falls apart? 
Guys, it happens in real life.
Yesterday, my dad laughed so heartily at one of my stories that I actually had to hold back tears. And not tears of laughter. It was just so beautiful. *tears*
I had a guy friend ask how we girls could even possibly feel so much - and I automatically thought of Hermione's retort "Well just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon!"

Now guys, I do believe you have feelings. I'm not man-bashing or trying to stereotype here, but, for some reason, God created women to feel stronger than men. We were taken from the rib, to protect the heart, to understand it, to feel the reflection of God's emotions. 
I imagine how fiercely I love people, how much my hurt can penetrate my heart, all these things, and then realize how much deeper God loves. I imagine the sting of a friend who blows me off and realize how much stronger is the wound He receives when I ignore Him. I imagine the joy I find in a simple purple flower, a small gift He gives me on an ordinary day and how much more joy wells up in Him when I merely whisper His name. 

And that's when I know, even when I can't feel Him. Those times when even my emotions run out and I feel so dry, I know that God is there and He does hear because He does feel and He gave it to me. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Last night, I had one of my rare nights of insomnia. They seem to becoming less rare, happening once about every two weeks, and I'm beginning to wonder if it's more than just too much consumption of coffee or too many thoughts spinning in my head or some weird thing my body has decided to do to try and regulate my sleep. One of my mentors once shared her wisdom with me a while back, telling me that insomnia is sometimes God's way of getting us to talk to Him. It's something that, up until she told me that, I'd know with my head but not quite gotten with my heart. And so changed my prayer life. And up until last night, I didn't realize how my prayers have been me talking at God, not talking with Him. I have such a huge problem with receiving. Maybe it's because I tend to believe the lie that God doesn't actually have anything to give to me, maybe it's because I'm so focused on getting it out or striving to experience Him that I miss everything He has to give me entirely. Man, it's crazy how much I deprive myself of in my desire to show God that I deserve it; to show Him that I'm worthy of His attention, but it's crazy that I can't do anything to ever deserve anything from God! Everything He gives is a gift He desires to give us, not because I'm good or I do something right, but merely because I am His child and He created me to love Him and be loved in return. 
I'm never gonna get my mind wrapped around that one. Who even dreams that up? 
So I prayed last night. Isn't crazy how we loose the art of conversation with the Creator of language and tongues? And I'm trying to learn how to receive.


here's a crazy sunset picture to be happy about.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Put Your Records On

Three little birds, sat on my window.
And they told me I don't need to worry.
Summer came like cinnamon
So sweet,
Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.

Maybe sometimes, we've got it wrong, but it's alright
The more things seem to change, the more they stay the same
Oh, don't you hesitate.

Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.

You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.

Blue as the sky, sunburnt and lonely,
Sipping tea in a bar by the roadside,
just relax, just relax
Don't you let those other boys fool you,
Got to love that afro hair do.

Maybe sometimes, we feel afraid, but it's alright
The more you stay the same, the more they seem to change.
Don't you think it's strange?

Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.

You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.

'Twas more than I could take, pity for pity's sake
Some nights kept me awake, I thought that I was stronger
When you gonna realise, that you don't even have to try any longer?
Do what you want to.

Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.

Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down

Oh, you're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow

- Corinne Bailey Rae

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day Weekend

Oi what a weekend! I’d have to say I’m tuckered out from all we did! On Friday we drove down to Georgia and stayed with my sister Jessica and her husband Bert.

And Saturday was lake day! We were up bright and early and
off to the lake! Jessica and Bert had two boats – a party yacht (basically a
super fancy pontoon boat) and a ski boat! We spent the day in the sun, munching on yummy snacks, sliding, swimming, playing with the babies, and my favourite, tubing! Dad is an expert at knocking me off while he drives the boat – I am most definitely sore from getting tossed a few times! Rebeka and I got to take Elizabeth out for a spin on one of the tubes and it was really fun to watch her face as the water splashed her!

Caroline liked to pretend she was driving the boat.

Jess made the yummiest fruit and creme cheese snacks! I ate wayyy too many!

Elizabeth like them too!

Yummy watermelon!

Most of us took cat naps when we got home before we had a fantastic dinner, complete with ribs and baked beans! Sooooo good! We walked it off later, going to the park and watching my dad chase the babies around with more energy than our entire family had combined! I swear, he’s in better shape
than either me or Beks!

Haha, this cracks me up - I told the girls to smile and Caroline started picking her cute little nose!

We finished off lake day with some ice cream at Baskin Robbin’s– I tried some lemonade sweet iced tea flavor that was good when I tasted it, but I wearied of it quite soon! It’s odd to have a drink flavoured ice cream, to say the least.

Sunday was great! Haha, I woke up early to ensure that I could shower and get ready for church on time, but, alas, our family decided to stay home and relax for Father’s Day. Of course!

We had a yummy breakfast and chilled all morning – the girls ended up at the pool while the fathers stayed in the garage and worked on cars.
Haha, how typical.

The men did join us later, and it was funny, watching my dad toss Elizabeth around in the pool and teach her how to swim – it seems just like yesterday he was doing it to me!

Cutie patootie!


Fun jeep ride back!

We had a Douglass traditional ice cream cake with our good southern fried chicken dinner and then we drove back to good ole Tennessee!

And now here I am, sitting in my bed, sore and sunburnt, but oh so happy!

Happy Father’s Day!

Friday, June 14, 2013

New Swimsuits

It's been a great week! Rebeka brought Madi and Kari home from church on Wednesday and it was a beautiful night!
Let me tell you, I have a group of worshippers on my hands! We just sang and banged the piano and Rebeka played her violin so sweetly and I just got lost in the Lord's presence. I'm so blessed.
Thursday morning was adorable. I got to babysit some precious little girls and I get the excuse to play dress up as a nearly grown young woman. Afterwards, I napped so hard I drooled on my pillow. My mom had to wake me up. Talk about feeling like a baby.
And then I almost finished my frames! Guys. We're so close. All we have to do is nail in the wires and then I promise I will show you the finish product! I love actually doing the things I pin on pintrest!
The theatre hosted a concert last night and I was working upstairs bar, which is a pretty chill, but slightly lonely job. I serve alcohol for the patrons in the balcony, which means it can get crazy before the show and at intermission, but I basically sit up there all by myself for the rest of the night. But it's not so bad of a view.

Anywho, I was sitting up there last night when I heard some music coming from outside - not from the auditorium. It was some highschool boys in a band that have camped out and busked in front of the theatre a couple of times. The first time I'd seen them, I'd had to blink and take a second glance - they remind me of some of my friends in high school that had a band called Punchinello. Three boys, three main instruments - a guitar, a mandolin, and a drum - and somewhat resembling them as well. It was weird! But these boys are so precious! Not only are they all soooo adorable (16 year old me would've had the BIGGEST crush on all 3 of then) but they are so sweet and actually talented - their three part harmony on a lot of songs just makes me smile. Bottom line is, they warn my heart and they kick butt on Avett Bros. covers, so you should look up the Joseph Marlowe band. I think get all of their autographs and pictures so I can say I knew then before they were famous.
Last night my sissy finished her YWAM application! I was seriously so proud of her as she completed it and showed it to me! When did she get so grown up?
And now we're driving to Atlanta to spend Father's Day weekend on the lake with my sister! And I'm witnessing the most fantastic sunset!
We had a great mommy and daughters' date this morning, eating wayyy too much at Cracker Barrel and then giving swimsuit opinions while shopping right after. Who's brilliant idea was it to stuff ourselves like thanksgiving turkeys before trying on swimsuits???

I can't wait to spend time with my family this weekend! It's going to be so much fun out on the lake with all of them, enjoying the sunshine and loving on each other, especially my daddy!
Pictures to come!
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Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I have yet to finish those frames mom and I started painting. It WILL get done and my room will finally be close to perfect!
I would've ridden Dorothy (my lovely bike) to work Monday night, but it was raining and there were tornado warnings, so the lovely Krista King drove me to work - and you'll never guess what happened! Sitting in the box office, I saw it begin to lighten up outside and I looked up at the clouds and there was the longest, most beautiful silver lining I'd ever seen!!! I didn't get my phone fast enough to capture its glory ( and let's be honest, iPhones cannot really capture any natural glory to its fullest) but I caught the tail end of it and it made the rest of my night wonderful.

Tuesday was my day off! I slept in, then I took Dorothy out for a spin to the post office! And let me tell you, summer is here! It was 91 degrees F and humidity was sky high! It's supposed to be at least 90 all week and man, riding my bike was quite the experience. I've been so used to New Zealand summer, which is not sweltering or humid at all. It seems I have lost my southern comfort! After the post office, I shopped downtown for postcards and then stopped by Merridees to grab some cookies! I love our cookies! Seriously. They're soooo good.
Then my precious Mary Kate came to visit! We visited Frothy, where we were gonna purchase Imagine Dragons tickets ( I've been hoarding all my tip money to save for it!) but the prices went up and now we can't afford them! Oh well. We decided were gonna have a picnic and listen to Imagine Dragons in a field under the stars instead.

Since we're poor world travelers. Guys, she's going to live in England in August! I'm so flippin excited and happy for her! Seriously. England. She's gonna travel all over Europe with her friends and have the time of her life!
Speaking of England. I'm gong to reread the Harry Potter series before I go back to New Zealand! I have two months! I will do it!
I know that's all really scatter brained and such, but that's what I'm doing in life right now!

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Monday, June 10, 2013


It's the beginning of the week! I started some crafting for my room last night with my mom and dad and we had so much fun painting, watching Fiddler on the Roof and eating chipless chocolate chip cookies. (I prefer them chipped!) seriously, if I'm gonna have cookies, I'm gonna go all the way!

Consequently, we all went to bed wayyyy to late (Fiddler on the Roof comes with two VHS tapes after all) and I didn't even open my eyes until 9:47 this morning and then I laid in bed with my baby sis until noon, snuggling and Pintresting our very distant apartment/home.
Today is a good day.
I showered!
I work at the theatre tonight, but now, I'm currently helping these precious ladies full in their YWAM applications! MEEP. They have no idea what's coming for them, and I'm so excited!

Madi finished her application!!! She's scanning and emailing today!!! Bless you darling!

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Hey y'all! I know it's been quite a whole since I've written, and if this is the only way you keep up with me, I am so sorry I have been MIA the past couple of months. I have three jobs trying to raise money to go to New Zealand and staff in August, and my time is pretty wacko. I am still alive and I will be doing more specific updating and life/thought sharing soon! Bear with me this much, my brothers and sisters! In the meanwhile, the sun is beautiful and here's an over-edited picture of its glory!

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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Brokenness Aside

Will your grace run out
If I let you down
'Cause all I know
Is how to run

'Cause I am a sinner
If its not one thing its another
Caught up in words
Tangled in lies
You are the Savior
And you take brokenness aside
And make it beautiful

Will you call me child
When I tell you lies
Cause all I know
Is how to cry

I am a sinner
If its not one thing its another
Caught up in words
Tangled in lies
You are the Savior
And you take brokenness aside
And make it beautiful

You make it beautiful
You make it beautiful
- All Sons and Daughters

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


This is something that has been heavy on my heart for a while now, and an area on which I hope to tread carefully. I have homosexual friends, friends who have struggled with homosexuality, both Christian and non-believers, and I know them personally and love them so much, and the last thing I want to do is hurt someone, especially one I love so much. The subject of gay marriage is so heavy in the USA right now, and I can’t even get on Facebook without seeing the manifestation of the movement. Frankly, a lot of what I see on Facebook hurts my heart – the hate Christians display towards the homosexual community is absolutely horrifying. And to all of you hurt by it, I want to apologize on the behalf of them. I am so sorry.

When homosexuals say “I was born this way” it’s true. It's a valid argument. We’re all born into sin. Psalm 51:5 “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.”

According to Genesis, humanity was originally created perfect, like the world in which they lived. They were created in God’s own image – it doesn’t get any more perfect than that!

Genesis 1:27 – “So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

But the fall made us all imperfect, made us all blemished – like a disease, Adam and Eve passed sin down to us through our genes, not one could escape. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) Ephesians 2 tells us that we are children of disobedience – not one person in all the history of humanity could escape this disease. Well – I guess one did.

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

We all know that one.

There’s redemption in this story – the inescapable became curable! Our very bloodline is made pure by Jesus – only by the spilling of His blood could ours become clean! Like a bone marrow transplant is Jesus to our disease – He takes our hearts, the hearts born into sin and He gives us a heart transplant – and we become new!

Romans 5:19 - For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

Just take a minute to process that.

Now back to what I was saying.

We’re all born into sin. It’s in each one of our hearts until the day we accept Jesus as our Saviour and God as our Lord. So, those of you that think you’re better than the homosexuals – you’re not. You are/were just like them. Their sin is no greater than ours. It's not worse than your gossip, not worse than your addiction to porn or drugs or alcohol, no worse than your lies, no worse than your passivity, no worse than your lust and greed and adultery. Sin is sin. We all have it. And we all have to opportunity to give it up and receive beauty for our ashes. And that’s the beauty of true love. Share it.

Next time someone tells you that they are born this way, tell them they are. But tell them everything else too. And, above it all, love them no matter what.

Peace out girl scout.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Lord is my Shepard

So, my sister had her wisdom teeth removed on Friday. Probably one of the funniest experiences of my life. If you don’t know why, check out some videos on Facebook. But, since she has been out of order for a couple of days, our family bonding time has been gathering around the television, having endless marathons of Little House on the Prairie. It’s a show my sister and I absolutely adored growing up – I used to pretend to be Laura Ingalls – I’d braid my hair and find an old-fashioned bonnet and take my dirty clothes outside to the old washing bin in the backyard and “wash” them. I was a slightly odd child.

Anyways, we were watching one episode I had basically memorized a kid, but having been years since I’d seen it, I’d forgotten much of the detail, aside from the plotline. This one is entitled “The Lord is my Shepard” – based off one part in the hour-long episode. In the first half, Caroline (the mom) has her’s and Charles’ (the dad) first son, but Charles Jr. dies when he’s just a few weeks old. Standing in the doctor’s office, Caroline begins to fall apart and Charles walks across the room, holds her, and begins to speak out Psalms 23 to comfort her and himself as well, and they finish it together. As old and cheesy at it may sound, it was such a powerful moment. Man, I was bawling my eyes out. That’s what I want, if I ever get married, in a husband – someone who not only runs to God when he is in pain, but would take me with him. How could I miss that all this time?

I think I’m going to be watching this show a little more often.

Peace out girl scout.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Yellow Lights

   I finished work late tonight. My mom dropped the car off in front of the theatre so I could drive home instead of calling her in the wee hours of the night to come pick me up. It was a little chilly outside, I noticed, typical for March weather. And as I fumbled for my keys to unlock the car, I stopped and looked around. The only noise was the sound of the pedestrian signal, slowly ringing to let nonexistent walkers know that it was not yet quite safe to cross the street, according to the traffic light. I watched the light switch and heard the signal say “walk sign is on” in her silly, robotic voice. Funny, how I could hear it all, plain as day, all the way down the street. Not that downtown Franklin is that big, it’s just strange that you can hear a penny drop from down the street. But that’s Franklin. Everything goes to sleep at 9 o clock sharp. I stood there and took it all in for a moment, having all of Main Street to myself. I then hopped in the car, plugged in some Ben Howard, and went on a drive. Funny, how things change, and how, as I drive around this place, the trigger is pulled and memories come pouring out; good, bad, and all so surreal. Passing my high school, remembering the countless and endless days I spent there, football games, plays, hard work, lunch, homecoming, exams, and everything in between. Passing neighborhoods where my friends lived, in houses where we stayed up nights, giggling, crying, and doing makeovers, watching movies, killing time. Driving down roads I’ve taken a thousand times, passing under lights blinking yellow, laughing at how that was once the reminder that I was out past curfew and likely to be reprimanded or even grounded upon my tardy return home. But it’s funny, how taking those long, narrow and windy back roads now remind me of New Zealand. How, once a fair distance from the town lights, I can see the stars, so much more vivid and bright in the New Zealand sky. I love home so much, it’s such a huge part of who God has made me – but I also carry a piece of New Zealand in my heart here. Oh how I long to see the clear, blue ocean and those amazing green rolling hills! How I miss the sheer rock and rivers and constantly changing landscape! But I am determined to grow here at home as well! My momma has always said “You gotta bloom where you’re planted” and I know I’m planted here right now. I won’t deny that I can’t wait to be on Kiwi soil again, but I’m gonna soak up this Tennessee sun and enjoy where He’s got me, because I don’t wanna look back and realize how much I missed because my heart was in the wrong place.

Peace out girl scout.


So the song of the week will be presented a little different this week! It’s a song that’s been stuck in my head for a couple of weeks now, since my lovely friend Elizabeth Perkinson put together a video of my homecoming back in February – the background song is “Masquerade” by Sleeping At Last, and I love it. You should watch the video – it’s made by a very talented, lovely lady. :)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


To a boy who looks just like his mother, who's a sister to her brother who sings this song with that boy from far away

I am young but you are younger so you speak more words then mumble.

You have to lend an ear to everything I say.

So be kind and love your mother and your father, though sometimes they seem to bother, come my age, and you'll know

There the ones who'll always love you and support you, they prayed for you before you stepped foot into this world.

That's one thing that I've learned.

I remember you were walking, in a month I'll hear you talking.

There's a million things I'd love to say to you.

Though your parents, they are wiser and will be better advisers, maybe hearing these things twice will get them through.

Go and find a girl for whom your love is selfless, someone who makes you helpless, to change the way you feel.

But stay away from girls who always look so pretty, who's hearts just aren't fitting for the man in you I see.

Would you remember that for me?

Would you remember that for me? Oh..

Would you remember all these things?

When you find yourself alone in times of trouble, reach inside you and above you, there's nothing

He can't heal.

And if it is you do not end up with a brother, just call your older uncle, I can always lend an ear.

Would you remember that for me?

Would you remember that for me? 

Ben Rector -

Monday, March 25, 2013

Some Things About Hannah

There are some things you should know about me.

·         I’m slightly claustrophobic. Which may explain my irrational fear of being tickled. You know you’re trapped when you’re being tickled. You can’t escape!

·         Peanut M’nMs are my favourite.

·         I love it when the good guy wins in a movie, or the lovers finally kiss and have a happy ending or someone finally puts that one absolutely innerving character in their place and the entire theatre breaks out in applause and cheering. It’s like all these strangers you can’t even see in a dark theatre are united in love for the characters and when they win, it makes us feel like we’ve accomplished something in life, just by knowing their story.

·         The only soda that can compete with Dr. Pepper is L&P, and I can’t have it unless I’m in New Zealand.

·         I love New Zealand.

·         I love Franklin, TN.

·         If wearing a tiara every day, everywhere was socially acceptable, I would do it.

·         Sometimes I wish I was born a Southern Belle, like a less bratty version of Scarlet O’Hara.

·         My favorite color is purple

·         Though I do enjoy a well-blended mocha, I will always prefer a cup of steaming green tea.

·         I used to think I loved chess. Then I actually tried playing it. No.

·         I tried on my very first pair of skinny jeans when I was almost 17 years old.

·         I love sunflowers more than any of the other flowers. And I will always prefer a messy bouquet of wildflowers to roses.

·         I love oatmeal crème pies.

·         I’m nearly twenty years old and I still have the pizza-faced complexion of a 13 year old.

·         Taylor Swift is my guilty pleasure.

·         I love to sing.

·         I hate regimented exercise.

·         But I love long walks anywhere and spontaneous bike rides.

·         I have three sisters and lots of nieces.

·         Any stringed instrument is the most beautiful music to my ears.

·         I have a scar on my right knee in a nearly perfect circle from where I had this nasty wart and my dermatologist froze it 9 times.

·         My favourite movies are The Sound of Music and Pride and Prejudice.

·         I’m a klutz. And not in the cute-oops-I-tripped-please-catch-me way. As in I fall very ungracefully down stairs, up stairs, over air, hit by car doors, ambushed by gnarly tree branches, legs-over-head-complete-mess klutz.

·         I only write in cursive.

·         I love Jesus more than anything.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


My baby’s got a place she goes that she broadcasts
My baby’s got a place she says it’s not half bad
But it’s not where she’s going, no it’s not where she’s going that’s so bad, so bad
It’s not where she’s going but where she could be going

My baby’s got a place she goes when she’s so sad
She says she wants to leave her home and be a nomad

But it’s not where she’s going, no it’s not where she’s going that’s so bad, so bad
It’s not where she’s going but where she could be going
She knows that
Knows that
She’s going to London, she’s going to France,
She’s going to New York, she’s going to japan
She’s going round the world, round the world, round the world
But it’s not where she’s going, no it’s not where she’s going that’s so bad, so bad
It’s not where she’s going but where she could be going
She knows that
Know that
But it’s not where she’s going, no it’s not where she’s going that’s so bad, so bad
It’s not where she’s going but where she could be going


Crowd Control

In two days, I’ll have been home for a month.


Really, how time does fly.

It’s off to think back on the past and remember that at one time, it was my present and this was my past, but now I’m back in my “past”, so to speak, here in Franklin, TN, and it’s my present. But the biggest thing to remember is, it’s not the past! I’m moving forward, not backward! I came forward home, and when I go to New Zealand again, I’ll be going forward to New Zealand, not back. What a mindset!

I’ve been so blessed to see so many of my dear friends in the past month and I can’t wait to see the rest of them soon! Skype is such a blessing, I love being able to still chat with my friends from YWAM – man they are all so beautiful and I can’t believe I took them all for granted at one time!

Work is really good – I love the Franklin Theatre so much. Literally, I feel so at home there. My co-workers are so positive and uplifting, the atmosphere is so fun and relaxed and I actually enjoy going to work! Believe it or not, I don’t count down the hours until I get to leave the building! Haha, Monday was a pretty funny day. No concessions, not too much cleaning. Nope, my job was crowd control. But not just any crowd control. Middle school crowd control.

I know I loved field trips as a kid, but seriously, whoever thought that those things were a good idea? I’m surprised our teachers didn’t murder us in middle school.

On the bright side, I got a super official walky-talky and I think everyone looks more intimidating, more in-charge, more “I know what I’m doing” when they have a walky-talky. I want to wear a walky-talky every shift!

I love being a daughter of Christ. Oh gosh, I just feel His love everywhere I go. I think the way spring awakens the earth makes me awaken to the glory of His presence, the wonder of His love. Although the ground is still brittle and brown, trees are beginning to bloom, ever so tenderly, and there are hints of life everywhere. I feel as if I, too, am replying to the sun’s warmth, ready to show my beauty to the one who calls it out of me.

I love life, and though, sometimes, I feel ever so dry and ever so stale, I know it’s only a season and I just have to keep pushing through to see the full glory God has in the next one!

Peace out girl scout.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Yes You Have

Every tree and every stone
Every rushing wind that moans
They sing Your praise
My God, they sing Your praise
Every star and open sky
Tell of Your glory divine
They shout Your praise
They shout Your praise, yeah

You've stolen my heart Yes, You have
You've stolen my heart Yes, You have
You've wiped away the stains
And broke away the chains Yes, You have

With Your love You set me free
Three nails gave me liberty
So I'll sing Your praise
My God, I'll sing Your praise
Oh, with Your love You forgave my sin
Forgot my past And brought me back again
So I'll sing Your praise
I'll sing Your praise, yeah
You've stolen my heart Yes, You have
You've stolen my heart Yes, You have
You've wiped away the stains
And broke away the chains Yes, You have

If I ascend into the sky
Or hide behind the night I can't outrun Your love is chasing me
If I fall into the sea Your hand will rescue me
No one will take Your place

This is all for You
Yes, this is all for You
You're the King of the world
You're the King of the world
You've stolen my heart Yes, You have
You've stolen my heart Yes, You have
You've wiped away the stains
And broke away the chains Yes, You have


- Leeland