Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I have yet to finish those frames mom and I started painting. It WILL get done and my room will finally be close to perfect!
I would've ridden Dorothy (my lovely bike) to work Monday night, but it was raining and there were tornado warnings, so the lovely Krista King drove me to work - and you'll never guess what happened! Sitting in the box office, I saw it begin to lighten up outside and I looked up at the clouds and there was the longest, most beautiful silver lining I'd ever seen!!! I didn't get my phone fast enough to capture its glory ( and let's be honest, iPhones cannot really capture any natural glory to its fullest) but I caught the tail end of it and it made the rest of my night wonderful.

Tuesday was my day off! I slept in, then I took Dorothy out for a spin to the post office! And let me tell you, summer is here! It was 91 degrees F and humidity was sky high! It's supposed to be at least 90 all week and man, riding my bike was quite the experience. I've been so used to New Zealand summer, which is not sweltering or humid at all. It seems I have lost my southern comfort! After the post office, I shopped downtown for postcards and then stopped by Merridees to grab some cookies! I love our cookies! Seriously. They're soooo good.
Then my precious Mary Kate came to visit! We visited Frothy, where we were gonna purchase Imagine Dragons tickets ( I've been hoarding all my tip money to save for it!) but the prices went up and now we can't afford them! Oh well. We decided were gonna have a picnic and listen to Imagine Dragons in a field under the stars instead.

Since we're poor world travelers. Guys, she's going to live in England in August! I'm so flippin excited and happy for her! Seriously. England. She's gonna travel all over Europe with her friends and have the time of her life!
Speaking of England. I'm gong to reread the Harry Potter series before I go back to New Zealand! I have two months! I will do it!
I know that's all really scatter brained and such, but that's what I'm doing in life right now!

- Posted Using BlogPress from my iPhone

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