Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hannah the Fairy Princess

What a week! We’ve been planning a holiday program for a church here in Kaitaia, kind of like a VBS, because it’s summer here and the kids are on break. It’s odd, I wonder what it’s like, having Christmas and summer all in the same season. Man, my memories of twinkling lights and warm, crackling fires to cheery Christmas carols would have been entirely different! Imagine blending sunscreen and beachy tunes with the Christmas story and Christmas shopping and big bows and Christmas trees. So different. Anywho.
We’ve run with a medieval theme, which has been so much fun to work with. Besides the fact that I get to be a fairy princess for an entire week, there’s so much that ties in with biblical teaching. We’re crafting the armor of God, telling “once upon a time” stories and skits, and we get to teach girls their identities as princesses and daughters of a king and boys identities as knights and fighters and protectors – and all get to learn how to be warriors for the kingdom. We spent the week preparing lessons, skits, songs and such. Every day, the kids get to construct a piece of the armor of the Lord. It’s awesome.
We have 4 different age groups, ranging from 5 to 12 years old. And I am the leader of the Jolly Jesters – otherwise known as the 7-8 year olds. They are such a fun group of kids, so eager to learn and please. They are so loving and they have so much fun playing the games and crafting and listening to the stories. They make me laugh and I love being absolutely ridiculous with them – it may be a slight understatement that I’m getting comfortable in the role of fairy princess.
I’m looking forward to the rest of the week and getting to know my little Jesters even better – they already give me hugs and protest when it’s time to leave – I’m predicting emotional stress on my behalf the last day. I may or not cry when I have to say bye to them. We’ll see.
Moving on to other things – I’m doing amazing spiritually – God reveals so much to me in my quiet time in the mornings. I’m doing a full read-through of the Bible, and I wish I could spend more time in the word! But physically, my body is not doing so great. I think I’m stressed from outreach struggles, but I’ve also been pretty restless at night and my sleep has been sporadic and uneven – which means I want to sleep during the day! All day. And my body is feeling icky – I’ve had these cold symptoms for a little over two weeks now – I’m just ready for my body to be happy again! If you feel the least inclined, I would love to be in your prayers so I can give the last weeks of my outreach my full effort!


Peace out girl scout.

1 comment:

  1. A FAIRY PRINCESS...!! Your favorite role!!! It sounds like you are having a blast!

    You and I seem to be experiencing the same exact physical issues! I just prayed for you especially for peaceful sleep from here on out~~and I will continue to pray for that and supernatural healing and strength for this last leg of your outreach! LOVE YOU MORE THAN ALL THE ICE COVERING THE LANDSCAPE!!
