Three days until Hokey Pokey ice cream, Tim Tams, L&P, and fish 'n chips.
Three days until lamburgers.
Three days until grilled cheeses again become toasties and and ketchup becomes tomato sauce.
Three days until I see nothing but pure countryside and winding 2 lane roads.
Three days until all the farm animals I see are sheep.
Three days until I am never more than an hour from the seaside.
Three days until all humidity disappears.
Three days until rugby trumps football.
Three days until I can hear a haka.
Three days until I can order a proper flat white.
Three days until I have to specify Kiwi-fruit, Kiwi-bird, and just straight-up Kiwi people.
Three days until water drains and swirls the opposite way.
Three days until I drive on the left side of the road.
Three days until I again speak in metric terms, converting Celcius and Kilometers and Kilograms.
Three days until I am once again surrounded by a constant community of lovers of Christ.
Three days until I am in the land of Brooke Fraser, Flight of the Conchords, and Lorde.
Three days until I dream once again of being Lucy Pevensie forever living in Narnia.
Three days until I return to Middle Earth.
Three days until I come home.